The advent of the digital age has brought with it a multitude of benefits: easy access to medical records, online shopping and billpay, cellphones with Internet access, and the list goes on. However, the ease with which you can access and share your information has created a new breed of criminal. If you have private information on the web or your computer, you can rest assured some unscrupulous person is trying to access and reuse it for their personal gain. That's why being security savvy in the online world is so important!
In honor of Cyber Security month, we've included a variety of tips describing how you can protect yourself online from malicious hackers, computer viruses, and software vulnerabilities:
- Passwords: Change your passwords frequently and avoid using the same password for all of your logins.
Also, choose a password that won't be easy for outsiders to deduce. Avoid using birthdays, anniversaries, last names, pet names, or family member names as the basis for your password.
You can increase your password strength by intermixing capital letters, numbers, and symbols with the actual word. For instance, instead of "calculator" try "c@lcul@T0r"--a substantially stronger password and less likely to be hacked.
- Keep your personal information private: We love how new social media outlets such as Facebook® and MySpace® keep us in touch with friends and family. However, if your privacy settings aren't configured correctly, you may be unwittingly sharing your personal information with a broader audience than you'd intended.
For those of you who've used these sites to post information such as your birthday, home town, current address, email address, work history, educational history, and even pictures labeled with the names of your family/friends/pets, you've potentially made a goldmine of personal data available to identity thieves. Keep your information secure by regularly reviewing and revising your privacy settings on social network sites.
Alternatively, reevaluate how much of this data you really need to post online. Do you really need to share your home address and phone number? Consider providing this information only upon request and send it to friends or family via private message rather than posting it on a virtual wall.
- Secure your computer: Anti-virus and firewall software are critical components in the fight to stop computer viruses and eliminate software vulnerabilities. A variety of solutions exist; choose one that fits within your budget and provides the security you need. But before you purchase any software, contact your Internet provider to see if they offer a solution. Some Internet providers provide free anti-virus protection for their customers.
Most importantly, keep your virus protection up-to-date and ensure it is properly configured. New threats are discovered every day and failing to keep on top of updates may leave you vulnerable to attack. To avoid this, set the system to automatically update for you.
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